Talk About It

What it’s Like Project presented TALK ABOUT IT on Saturday, April 27th, 2019 at Bohemeo’s. The evening focused on 7 personal stories that portrayed how the arts serve as a coping mechanism in mental health recovery. Our storytellers varied in talent, including: opera singer, actor, poet, drummer, violinist, choir singer and film-maker / photographer.

After the performance, audience members had a chance to ask the storytellers questions about their experiences with mental illness.

We also had the chance to announce our 2019 Christopher Alfred Baker Memorial Scholarship winner during midway through the event, giving $500 to a college student who both lives with mental illness and is pursuing an arts-related degree.

CURIOSIS, our consignment-based mobile charity shop, was parked in the parking lot with local art for sale by artists living with mental illness.

Nikki HuneBohemeo's